Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Last Month's Happenings

Following-up on the announcement by the Quebec government of a reform of the teaching of history, the Montreal Gazette's blog wonders Does history + values = votes for the PQ?, and, rhetorically, "what treatment would the fall of New France receive in the new history curricula proposed by the PQ?"

I must confess that I have a hard time keeping up with the news.  During the second week of August, the 17th annual Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France were celebrated in Quebec City.  Louis Bolduc Day was celebrated in Ste. Genevieve.  In Montréal, the Musée Pointe-à-Callière held its annual public market, 18th century-style (our friends from the Regiment de La Sarre were showing off their moves).

Last month the Ottawa Citizen ran a story on botanist Pehr Kalm's visit to New France, and the Minnesota news outlet MinnPost an biographical sketch of Louis Hennepin.  The StarPress, of Muncie, Indiana, meanwhile published some musings about the identity of the first white man to set foot in what would become Indiana: Marquette, Jolliett, La Salle?

Phew.  That'll do for now.


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